Andrew ‘Augusta’ Smith






B.S.E., Biomedical Engineering

B.F.A., Studio Art (Ceramics)

Barrett The Honors College at Arizona State University, Tempe Campus, AZ 

Post-Bacc- Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Campus, AZ      


For the People - Phoenix, AZ

Practical Art- Phoenix, AZ

Belhaus- Phoenix, AZ

Galerie Baruch- Los Angeles, CA

Patterns of Play- London, England

Dialog- Phoenix, AZ

Radius- Missoula, MT


Bacanora, Phoenix, AZ

Espiritu, Mesa, AZ

Cocina Chiwas, Tempe, AZ

Atria, Flagstaff, AZ

Emilia, Mexico City, MX

Huarachis, Phoenix, AZ

Santo, Phoenix, AZ

Pecado, Phoenix, AZ

Parkway Grill, Pasadena, CA

County Seat, Prescott, AZ

Barley Hound, Prescott, AZ

Dialog, Phoenix, AZ

CRETE Tearoom, Phoenix, AZ



‘Highfire Show’, Wildfire Ceramics Studio, Missoula MT

‘Suvivre, Supervivencia"‘, Manor, Phoenix, AZ

‘65 years in Ceramics’, Sedona Arts Center, Sedona, AZ

‘Strictly Functional Pottery National’, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, PA


‘Art Auction XX’ , Long Beach Museum of Art, Longbeach, California

‘An Exhibition in the Spirit of Collaboration’, HANDSEYESMIND Annual Exhbition, Aftermarket, Phoenix, AZ

‘Arthouse by Kaitlyn Wolfe’, Phoenix, Arizona

‘Baruch Bizarre Bazaar’ , Rhett Baruch Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

‘Woodfire Invitational’, Clay Studio Missoula, Missoula MT

First Place Invitational, ‘Annual Cup Show’, Hudgens Art Center, Duluth, GA

‘Raise a Toast III’, Edwardsville Art Center, Edwardsville, IL

‘Pots for Ritual and Contemplation’, Weigle Ceramics, Gettysburg, PA

‘First Friday’, Teddy’s Perserve, Collaborative works with Heidi Kreitchet, Phoenix, AZ

‘Reaction,’ Dialog, Collaborative works with Heidi Kreitchet, Phoenix, AZ


‘ONE’ Exhibition, Silvermine Art Galleries, Collaborative works with Heidi Kreitchet, New Canaan, CT

‘The Other Art Show’, Collaborative works with Evan Ishmael, Brooklyn, NY

‘Raise a Toast II’, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville IL

“Highfire Show”, Wildfire Ceramics Studio, Missoula MT

“Evan Ishmael + New Works”, Collaborative works with Evan Ishmael; Bones Aftermarket, Phoenix, AZ

“Earthscapes and Earthly Delights”, NCECA, Antiquite Midtown, Sacramento, CA

Juried Functional Teapot National II”, NCECA, Edward Fouts Gallery, Sacramento, CA

“fragile!! set in stone (01-04)”, Collaborative works with Gino Belassen; Bones Aftermarket, Phoenix, AZ


Playing With Fire”, Saratoga Arts Center, Saratoga NY

“The Show Must Go On!”, Heidi Kreitchet’s R&R Gallery, Pomona CA

“406 Cup Show”, Wildfire Ceramics Studio, Missoula MT

“football crazy, football mad.” Hoxton arches, London, England

“CENTERED” Collaborative Collection Release, The Pottery, Los Angeles CA

“Holiday Cup Show”, Wildfire Ceramics Studio, Missoula MT


Untitled, Heidi Kreitchet’s R&R Gallery, Pomona CA

Strictly Functional Pottery National, Online, Market House Craft Center

   BFA Ceramics Showcase, ASU Gallery 100, Tempe AZ

  2019 Revolt Gallery with Virgil Ortiz, Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe NM

Ceramics Collection, School of Art East Display Case at Arizona State University

Spooky Showcase, School of Art Lower Floor Display Case at Arizona State University


2021 Arts Career Advancement Grant, City of Phoenix, Arizona

2021 Awarded U.S. patent number of 11,173,057; “Novel Passive Cooling Socket Structure with Improved Force Distribution”

 2020 Wingate Visiting Artist Grant, American Museum of Ceramic Arts, Pomona, California

 2020 Magna Cum Laude, Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University 

 2020 Dean’s List Spring Semester, Arizona State University 

Arizona State University  Scholastic Award

 2019 Dean’s List Spring Semester, Arizona State University 

Arizona State University  Scholastic Award

 2019 US provisional application “Passively Cooled and Volume Adjustable   

Trans-tibial Socket.”

  2018 Dean’s List Spring and Fall Semester, Arizona State University 

Arizona State University Scholastic Award

  2017 Arizona State University Scholastic Award 

  2016 Arizona State University Scholastic Award

  2015 Dean’s List Fall Semester, Arizona State University

Arizona State University Scholastic Award

  2014 Cum Laude Society Scholar 

2013 Congressional Recognition for Community Service

2013 Eagle Scout


2024 Carving assistant to Julia Galloway for Endangered Species Project, Missoula, MT

2023 Reduction Cooled Soda Firing Workshop Co-Instructor with Johnny Arvizu, Clay Studio Missoula

Re-Action, Collaborative Large Altered Forms and Sculpture Workshop with Heidi Kreitchet, Clay Studio Missoula

Woodfire Invitational with Grayson Fair, Clay Studio Missoula

2022 Visiting Artist Lecturer for University of Wyoming Ceramics Program, ‘Drop Rim Techniques’

2021 Guest Lecturer for the Arizona Clay Association, 'Sectional And Teapot Construction Methods’

Two hour intensive demo and lecture on the throwing and construction of porcelain sectional forms and teapots, designed for atmospheric firings.

Soda Fired Porcelain Workshop, American Museum of Ceramic Arts

4 day, small scale private workshop for 7 people, including demos on design and creation of porcelain functional ware specific to soda firing. Maintenance, loading, firing, unloading and discussion on student works in the kiln. Lecture and demo on throwing, clays, flashing slips and glazes for atmospheric firings. 

 2020 Soda Fired Porcelain Workshop, American Museum of Ceramic Arts

5 day, small scale private workshop for 5 people, including demos on design and creation of porcelain functional ware specific to soda firing. Maintenance, loading, firing, unloading and discussion on student works in the kiln. Lecture and demo on clays, flashing slips and glazes for atmospheric firings. 

  Visiting Artist, American Museum of Ceramic Arts, Ceramic Studio

Design, exploration and creation of functional and sculptural ceramics. Exploration of large scale sculpture and vessels, standard reduction,  salt and soda atmospheric firings. Assisted in the design and construction of remote teaching facilities and photography studio. Design, manufacture and sale of commission works. Collaborative work with Heidi Kreitchet and Grayson Fair

  Short term resident at the Reitz Ranch Center for Ceramic Education with Virgil Ortiz. 

Design and construction of large scale sculpture, introduction of Native American techniques to modern-day atmospheric high fire community. Soda and wood firing of large-scale production wares and figurative sculpture. Collaborative work with Heidi Kreitchet, Grayson Fair and Virgil Ortiz. 

Guest Co-Lecturer with Virgil Ortiz and Justin Pak-Reese for the Hope Center for Arts and Technology

Interactive lecture with Virgil Ortiz for the HopeCAT youth members and ceramics instructor Justin Pak-Reese about collaboration and cross cultural exploration of ceramics between the American collegiate ceramics education and the traditional ceramics education of Virgil.

2019-Present Santa Fe, NM and Arizona State, Tempe, AZ

Functional ceramic, gallery and design collaborator with Virgil Ortiz

2019-present Hands Eyes Mind LLC, Tempe, AZ

Co-founder, head of production and design for manufacture, small goods and functional art

2019 Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN

Student in Matt Long’s Soda Fired Porcelain Workshop

2019-Present AWLS Contracting Services LLC, Tempe, AZ

Founder, contract engineer, biomedical designer, fabricator, designer

2019-2022 Zucker Institute for Applied Nuerosciences, Charleston, SC

Contract biomedical engineer, intellectual property researcher, rapid prototype fabricator, client centered design specialist

2016-2019 LaBelle Labs, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Undergraduate research assistant, prosthetics design team lead

2018-2019 CBFB Tablescapes, Charleston, SC

Summer visiting artist/production assistant to Fiorenzo Berardozzi

2016-2018 Tire City Potters, Augusta, GA 

Seasonal studio manager/production potter,   class instructor

2014-2019 Smith Family Eyecare, North Augusta, SC

Web support/design

2012-Present Augusta_pots, Phoenix, AZ and Augusta, GA 

Small business owner, ceramic design and production

Publications/Select Press

2025 Collaborative Paintings with Hector Viramontes, Artist Feature in Hayden’s Ferry Review

2024 ‘Sonoran Scout. BESPOKE BEAUTY’ Artist Feature in Phoenix Home and Garden


2021   ‘Ceramics Monthly, March 2021 Exposure Section, #3’- The American Ceramic Society

‘Rising Stars: Meet Andrew ‘Augusta’ Smith of Uptown’, Voyage Phoeinx, Nov.18, 2021


2020   ‘Native Atmosphere’- Smith, Andrew Walton Lee, Chung, Samuel, Ortiz, 

  Virgil, et al.- Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University 

2019   Smith et al – Biomedical Engineering Society Symposium 


2020   ‘Fat Joe’, Soda Fired Teapot, in the permanent collection of the American           

   Museum of Ceramic Arts

Venutian Solider Mugs, Hozho Gallery, Albuquerque NM